In pre-historic times, where ancient dinosaur creatures ruled, the adventures of Dino-Riki began. A courageous and intelligent young man, Dino-Riki, is determined to establish mankind's future in this violent age. Dino-Riki must explore and fight his way through deserts filled with quicksand, sinking lotus swamps, dark caverns, and deep canyons. As Dino-Rike begins his adventure, he is armed with a shooting weapon that will change and progress from rocks to axes, from axes to boomerangs, from boomerangs to fiery torches by collecting [power ups]. There are many hidden items that will help Dino-Riki to increase his strength, life, fly like an eagle, one that will change Dino-Riki to "Macho-Riki", the ancient warrior, and many more. Dino-Riki will need all the ancient knowledge and items he can find before facing the dinosaur bosses: Tyrannosaurus, Pteranodon, Monster Fly, and Giant Cobra.